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Productos > Gases Industriales > Central Cylinder Pressure Regulators
Central pressure regulators or main pressure regulators, describes pressure reduction valves that reduce the high pressure from main containers (compressor tanks, cylinder batteries or liquid gas tanks) to an intermediate pressure.
The central pressure regulator ZDA 25 reduces a maximum inlet pressure from 25 bar down to 1.5 bar. Suitable for connection to acetylene batteries and 2x3 bundles.
The pressure regulator ZD 400 reduces the max. inlet pressure of 300 bar down to a max. outlet pressure of 20 bar
The central pressure regulator ZD 60 reduces a maximum inlet pressure from 300 bar down to 30 bar and kept constant.
The central pressure regulator ZD 150 reduces a maximum inlet pressure from 300 bar down to 40 bar and kept constant
The cylinder pressure regulator HD 30 reduces the bottle pressure from under pressure dissolved gases as well as liquid gases from max. 300 bar down to 30 bar max.
Cylinder pressure regulators carry out intermediate reduction of relatively high pressure in reservoirs or storage containers
The Cylinder pressure regulator HD250 FL is a single-stage pressure-regulator made of matt Chrome plated brass or high-grade steel 1.4404.
HD400 FL is a single-stage pressure regulator made of brass